Debby is a DBT Success Story in Indiana


Name, age, city/town:

Debby, 57, Fort Wayne, IN

What was the most rewarding thing about learning skills?

The most rewarding thing for me in learning skills was that I finally felt in control, that I could do something to respond to intense emotions rather than always reacting to them. In doing this, I could pause before letting my emotions run all over the place. 

What are your favorite skills to use?

My favorite skills are ACCEPTS... specifically activities (distract), Comparison (not with anyone else but with myself at different stages in my life), and Self-Soothe. I also grew to love Radical Acceptance.

What advice would you give someone who is starting to learn DBT?

I would tell them to practice DBT skills when they are not having a bad day or a hard time. This way they can pull from their skills knowledge much easier when a rough moment arises than if they were first attempting to use them during a rough spot.

How has your life changed since learning DBT?

Before DBT I was very impulsive, I didn’t have a very big tool box of skills. So any time I would get upset my emotional response would go from 1-100 in just a few seconds. Now if I’m angry, for example, I can step back, observe the situation, be mindful of how I’d like to respond and then respond effectively using the skills I have. Instead of being in emotional mind a lot of the time I can find a balance, and use wise mind most of the time.

How are you creating a life worth living today?

Today I’m taking time to re-evaluate what I want to do with my life. After the death of my husband 15 months ago, I knew I needed to take time to grieve, but not get lost in the grief.  So I spend time with my cat, Berto, who I love dearly. I love art and craft type things so I’m currently making an art journal of mine and my husband’s life together and it’s been very healing. 

Thank you so much, Debby! You are an inspiration to me. —Amanda